INDUSTRY SOLUTIONSWind power generation industry

Insert nut

Insert nut

Pitch drive component

Material: SCM43

Wind power generation industry

Stable machining of long nut components with deep holes

Stable machining of long nut components using a self-centering hydraulic steady rest
  • Components are secured with self-centering hydraulic steady rest during machining for chatter control.
  • The opening/closing of the self-centering hydraulic steady rest is programmatically controlled, contributing to labor saving during the machining of long nut components.

Operation of self-centering hydraulic steady rest (referential video featuring alternate component)

Abnormalities in tool status during deep hole machining are detected by the load monitor to prevent defective products
  • The load monitor, which tracks machining loads, triggers an alarm if preset thresholds are exceeded, thereby preventing the occurrence of defective products.
Load monitor display screen
Load monitor display screen
Chatter that occurs during threading can be contolled easily and done by anyone
  • Machining Navi T-g (Threading) optimally controls the spindle rotation speed for each pass, effectively suppressing the periodic vibrations that cause chatter.
  • Enhance threading productivity while reducing tool costs at the same time
Benefits of Machining Navi T-g (Threading)
Benefits of Machining Navi T-g (Threading)