- About Okuma
- About Us in 60 Seconds! ONE-MINUTE OKUMA
About Okuma
What kind of company is Okuma?
Here is a quick and easy way to understand why Okuma is an all-around machine tool manufacturer.
About Us in 60 Seconds!ONE-MINUTE OKUMA
- For Okuma — the world is a stageServing the world with "monozukuri" (exceptional craftsmanship).
- Okuma has provided machine tools at the forefront of a wide variety of industrial fields over our long history. During this time, we have faced a variety of issues in the field, together with our customers, developed a wider range of models and products, and grown into a comprehensive manufacturer of machine tools used at production sites throughout the world.
As a trusted brand, we will work to further refine the quality of our products and services, backed by our advanced technologies, in order to continue to earn the support of our customers.
About Us in 60 Seconds!ONE-MINUTE OKUMA
- From small screws to large aircraft partsOkuma machine tools,
make it possible to make everything. - Okuma is a comprehensive machine tool manufacturer which produces not only lathes, machining centers, multitasking machines and grinders, but also control systems and peripheral equipment.
We provide support for a wide variety of industrial fields including camera lenses and dies for smartphones, automotive parts, medical equipment, aviation, shipping, wind and solar power generation, etc.
With a full lineup of over 100 models — meeting every possible need — throughout the world.
About Us in 60 Seconds!ONE-MINUTE OKUMA
- The Accumulation of HistoryFounded in 1898.
Ingenuity and enthusiasm for over a century. - The history of Okuma started in 1898 when Eiichi Okuma began manufacturing and selling noodle-making machines. Okuma began manufacturing machine tools In 1904, and by 1937 production value reached number one in the country.
Since its establishment 125 years ago, Okuma has endlessly challenged itself to be at the forefront of delivering products to a wide range of industries, and as a trusted brand, it will continue to be a leader of craftsmanship manufacturing.
About Us in 60 Seconds!ONE-MINUTE OKUMA
- Dedicated Global SupportAt regional operation bases,
supporting various kinds of manufacturing today — worldwide. - Okuma provides solutions in four regions throughout the world (Japan, North and South America, Europe and Asia Pacific).
Our bases, distributors, and dealers in various countries and regions around the world work closely together to provide support for customer manufacturing in everything from proposals for processing technologies to assistance with global production.
About Us in 60 Seconds!ONE-MINUTE OKUMA
- Made in JapanOutstanding professionals achieving high levels of quality
- Approximately 90% of Okuma products are produced in Japan, and they continue to be "loved by customers" around the world as a "Japan brand" with exceptional value.
Supporting that high quality are outstanding machining and assembly skills. Okuma has produced eight "Medal with Yellow Ribbon" winners, and eight "Contemporary Master Craftsman" award winners (as of April 30, 2023). For many years we have honed worker skills and inherited the master craftsmanship instilled into each product, and we have also focused on human resource development to pass on proven technical expertise to the next generation.
About Us in 60 Seconds!ONE-MINUTE OKUMA
- Okuma Controls totaling 260,775
April 30, 2023Japan's only Single-Source provider
CNC Machine & Control, drives, motors ...
all made in-house. - In 1961, when it was said to be a reckless idea, Okuma took up the challenge of developing its own NC (numerical control). Soon afterwards in 1963, Okuma succeeded in developing an NC device (the OSP) featuring absolute position detection, and further developed all the core components indispensable for precision control including motors, servo drive units, and position encoders.
A passionate belief in "developing highly accurate and easy-to-use machinery" and a view to "being completely consistent and responsible for all products" reflect creative efforts in product development and intelligent technology that directly lead to improving customer productivity.
About Us in 60 Seconds!ONE-MINUTE OKUMA
- Industry Top Class R&DFocusing on customer needs,
with one of the best research and development programs in the industry. - Okuma is proud of its high number of top-class patent acquisitions.
We work to realize the needs of customers for whom “if only we could…” is a common thought through accumulation of basic research in a variety of specialized fields and development ability that anticipates technology trends.
Many achievements have been acknowledged, and various awards have also been received from throughout the world.
About Us in 60 Seconds!ONE-MINUTE OKUMA
- OPEN POSSIBILITIESThis means "Opening possibilities through manufacturing."
- Since our founding, Okuma has delivered machine tools to the world and has played a part in the development of the manufacturing industry.
Building on that history, our wish is to always be proactive in expanding the possibilities of a wide variety of manufacturing.
We will continue our challenge of providing everyone engaged in manufacturing with the means to perform applications with more freedom and thereby achieve even greater dreams and hopes.