Product News
To Customers Using OSP-P300/ OSP-P200/ OSP-P20 on Windows XP
22 May 2014

On April 9, 2014, Microsoft ended security update programs, paid support, and technical information updates for Windows XP. This does not affect the operation of OSP-P300/ OSP-P200/ OSP-P20, and all of the functions that you are currently using will continue without problem. You can use OSP without worry.

Virus protection
1) Customers who are concerned about infection with a virus are asked to look into the OSP-VPS virus protection system for OSP. The OSP-VPS (Virus Protection System) incorporates Trend Micro’s VSAPI* (Virus-Scanning API) in Okuma CNCs (OSP-P300/ OSP-P200/ OSP-P20), protecting against virus infection from networks or USBs.
Click here for OSP-VPS
*TREND MICRO and VSAPI are registered trademarks of Trend Micro Incorporated.

2) Virus protection measures other than OSP-VPS will differ depending on customers’ usage conditions. For details, please contact a nearby Okuma dealer or service center.

Customers who wish to upgrade to Windows 7 (payment required) are also asked to contact a nearby Okuma dealer or service center.

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