Product News
Smart Factory Solutions
06 Dec 2016

Okuma provides smart factory solutions designed to the scale of customer projects and their plant equipment, contributing to improved utilization rates and factory throughput.

Easy Setup Smart Factory
Connect Plan:
Machine utilization status is visualized with “Factory Monitor suite” (PC software) connected to Okuma’s “OSP suite.” This helps users get started by connecting them to the manufacturing revolution to improve factory utilization rates.

Smart Plan:
Connecting the “Process Management suite” (PC software) and the OSP suite makes it possible to create work plans and manage work progress with control of everything from utilization to delivery and progress. Together with the Factory Monitor suite, production cycles are facilitated for improved utilization and throughput.

Network connectivity solutions
NET BOX suite-S:
A security device to block unauthorized access to machine networks from external cyber-attacks.
NET BOX suite-C:
Customer factories with older machines having no network functions can also get these machines operating online. By using this device, the older equipment can be connected by converting their IO signals to the required smart network communication protocol.
MTConnect standard (compatible):
As the standard communication protocol of the manufacturing industry in the United States, MTConnect is also spreading throughout the world. For the US market, an MTConnect adapter (OSP software) will be a standard feature of our OSP suite to connect directly to an MTConnect network.

Pushing the evolution of manufacturing. That is our mission.
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