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OKUMA Human Rights Policy

OKUMA Corporation and its subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively referred to as "OKUMA") conduct business activities based on the following Mission Statement.

Mission Statement
Through total and consistent monozukuri*1 service, OKUMA aspires to contribute to the business of customers throughout the world who create value, and thus bring happiness to all people who journey together with us.
*1: making things (better than ever); where master craftsmanship meets cutting-edge technology

"... and thus bring happiness to all people who journey together with us" is a goal intended for our customers, our business partners, shareholders, the social welfare of local communities, and all OKUMA employees.
We, OKUMA, are committed to fulfill corporate responsibility in respecting human rights in accordance with the Mission Statement, and hereby establish this OKUMA Human Rights Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy").
We are committed to contributing to the sustainable development of society by implementing actions based on this Policy.

Scope of Application

This Policy applies to all officers and employees of OKUMA. We also expect our business partners to support this Policy and will encourage them to respect it.

Commitment to Respect for Human Rights

We respect the international recognized human rights including (but not limited to) those expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights, and the principles concerning fundamental rights as stated in the "ILO (International Labor Organization) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work". We also support the United Nations "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights" and work to put them into implementation.

We will comply with the laws and regulations applicable in the country/region where our business activities are conducted. Where there is a conflict between internationally recognized human rights, and the laws and regulations of a country/region, we will seek ways to respect internationally recognized human rights.

Human Rights Due Diligence

To fulfill our responsibility for respecting human rights, we will establish a human rights due diligence system guided by the United Nations "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights". We will identify and assess any negative impact on human rights related to our business activities and avoid causing or contributing to such impact. We will also encourage companies and organizations with which we have business relationships to respect this Policy.

To ensure that this Policy is properly understood, we will conduct educational and awareness raising activities to our officers and employees. We will embed, or integrate, this Policy in relevant internal procedures so that it gets translated into practice and into the organizational culture of our business.

Priority Areas

We have identified the following human rights issues to focus on and will address them through appropriate procedures:

  • Discrimination or Other Unreasonable Treatment, Harassment
    We do not tolerate discrimination based on nationality, race, gender, thought, belief, religion, age, etc. We also do not tolerate sexual harassment, power harassment, bullying, or other kind of behavior that threatens the dignity of the individual.
  • Forced Labor and Child Labor
    We do not tolerate forced labor, including slave labor and human trafficking, and child labor.
  • Occupational Health and Safety
    We will strive to create a safe and healthy work environment so that employees with diverse values can fully demonstrate their abilities.
    We will ensure safe working conditions and will consider the prevention of health hazards due to work.
  • Quality and Safety
    We ensure the quality and safety of our products and services to protect the safety and health of our customers.
  • Environmental Impact
    We will comply with the laws and regulations regarding the storage and transportation of hazardous substances and the disposal of waste and will handle them with the utmost care.
    We will strive to reduce environmental impact not only at the product manufacturing stage but also throughout the product life cycle.
  • Privacy and Personal Information
    We will respect privacy and properly manage and protect personal information with the utmost care. We will also comply with the laws and regulations of the country/region related to the protection of personal information.
  • Ethical Development and Application of Technology
    In product/technology development with AI, robots, and IoT technology, and its automation/solution proposals, we will fully consider the impact of these technologies on human rights.

Governance and Promotion Structure

The efforts to respect human rights are regularly reported to OKUMA Corporation's Executive Officer Committee and Board Directors Meeting, based on the recommendations of the ESG Promotion Office; and are promoted under the supervision of the Board of Directors.

Redress and Remedy

Where we identify that our business activities are causing or contributing to negative human rights impacts, we will take appropriate measures to provide redress and remedy.

Information Disclosure

In addition to appropriately disclosing information based on laws and regulations, we will proactively provide information other than disclosure based on laws and regulations. We will disclose the progress and results of our efforts to respect human rights in accordance with this Policy on our website and/or reports as appropriate, with due regard to the personal information of affected stakeholders and confidential information of suppliers.

This Policy was approved by the Board of Directors of OKUMA Corporation. We will review and revise this Policy when necessary, so that we can address human rights issues in accordance with the changing social trends and business environments.

Date of Enactment May 11, 2023